Below are our articles on the subject of Prevention. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Avoiding Tension and Stress
A great deal of the stress in our lives in inevitable. It's important to develop coping mechanisms to handle stress and help prevent painful headaches....

Coping With Holiday Headaches
Holidays at any time of year - summer holidays, winter holidays or the break at Christmas and New Year are a time to relax, but minor ailments such as headaches can…...

Does Botox Help Cure Headaches?
Botox shows benefits for treating headaches and migraines. More research will better determine the full potential and side effects of Botox for head pain....

Drinking Water
Dehydration is a common cause of headaches and migraines. By consuming enough water through food and drink and avoiding excessive consumption of diuretics such as…...

Eat Your Way To Fewer Headaches
Food is considered a trigger of migraine headaches. Careful management of intake as well as incorporating good eating principles and maintaining a healthy weight can…...

Food Additives and Migraines
Food additives are approved for use in food but studies show mixed results on whether there is a definite migraine link. Until then, a food diary, careful reading of…...

Good Posture and Deep Breathing
Poor posture can trigger headaches and when corrected, you may find head pain relief. Combining good posture with deep breathing exercises may also help your headaches....

Head Pain: Don't Ignore It
Ignoring head pain won't make it disappear and may, in fact, make it worse. A positive open attitude about your headaches coupled with medical treatment can help you…...

Migraines and Obesity
Obesity is thought to increase the frequency and severity of migraines although the exact mechanism is still unknown. If you are overweight, it is wise to talk to your…...

When To Seek Medical Advice
It can be confusing to decide when your headaches require medical attention but it is always best to err on the side of caution and see a doctor if in doubt. Proper…...