Below are our articles on the subject of Migraines. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Aura in Headaches: What Causes It?
A migraine aura is due to a complex set of events that happen in the brain; our understanding of exactly what causes an aura is at a relatively early stage....

Basilar-Type Migraine
Basilar migraines are a rare and intense form of migraine headache that involve a strong aura phase with often severe sensory symptoms. Treatment is usually similar to…...

Can Surgery Relieve Migraine?
A type of surgery used in brow lifts could hold the key to curing the most severe migraines....

Do Children Get Migraines?
Migraine is often thought of as an adult type of headache but it is the most common cause of serious headaches in children and can start from the age of about 6 years....

Migraine Classification
Overall, there are six major classifications: migraine without aura, migraine with aura, childhood migraine (called childhood periodic syndrome), retinal migraine,…...

Migraines and Coexisiting Illness
Migraines may exist alongside other conditions, independently or otherwise. Treatment must take into account all health problems and drugs targeting multiple…...

Migraines that Affect Vision: Retinal Migraine
Retinal migraines are considered a rare migraine variant where total temporary blindness occurs in one eye. Treatment is generally similar to that suggested for common…...

Migraines With and Without Aura
Migraines are broadly divided into those with aura, and those without. Migraines with aura tend to involve visual cues and those without have more generalized signs....

Preventing Migraines With Vitamins
Vitamin supplements, particularly vitamin B and folic acid might help reduce migraine headaches but there is no large-scale trial evidence yet....

Prolonged Migraines
Prolonged headaches can be daily ones or individual ones that are long lasting. Medications, elimination of triggers and stress reduction may be used in treatment....

Telcagepant: A Promising New Migraine Treatment
Telcagepant, a promising new migraine treatment has shown good results in a large clinical trial showing it’s just as effective as triptans, but produces far fewer…...

The Genetics of Migraines
Research is still ongoing in the studies of migraines and genetics but several familial links have been established. Serotonin appears to also play a role but any…...

What are Migraines?
Migraines are severe headaches and affect more women than men. They may be classic and involve an aura, or common, with no aura. There are currently various theories…...