Alternative Treatments...
Below are our articles on the subject of Alternative Treatments. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Acupuncture For Migraine Treatment
Acupuncture may be helpful alone or in conjunction with drug-based treatment plans for migraine sufferers. Evidence is mixed on the effectiveness and treatment should…...

Aromatherapy For Headache Relief
Aromatherapy utilizes plant oils to treat headache pain. Various oils can be used through massage, lotions, candles or a diffuser to ease your migraines and headaches....

Botox and Surgery
Botox can be used to treat specific muscles in a person's face and neck area that may be triggering migraines. If successful, surgery can then be used to provide…...

Can Avoiding Perfume Prevent Migraine?
People who are allergic to perfume can develop rashes, asthma, feel sick and get frequent migraines. Avoiding all perfumes can mean fewer headaches - but it’s not that…...

Can Magnetism Treat Migraines?
It is no surprise that people with migraines are tempted to try just about anything to rid themselves of their terrible headaches - but can magnetism help?...

Can Oxygen Treatment Help Headaches?
Oxygen therapy for severe headaches has been proposed as a potential treatment; its effectiveness has never really been proven but recent clinical trials have produced…...

Chiropractic Care for Headaches
Chiropractic care can be a helpful alternative treatment for headaches. Be careful to choose a qualified practitioner....

Chiropractic Care For Migraines
Chiropractic care is a non-drug alternative to alleviate headache pain. It is particularly helpful for cervicogenic headaches and less so for migraines....

Headache Homeopathy
Homeopathy is an alternative treatment that may be helpful for headache and migraine sufferers. Treatments such as silicea and ignatia are examples of those suggested.…...

Helping Kids Cope With Headaches Without Medication
Head pain is difficult for children and there are non-medication methods of coping. Work with your child to develop skills to handle headaches and migraines....

Herbal Remedies for Headache and Migraine Relief
Herbal remedies can help prevent and treat headache pain. Gingko, feverfew and chamomile are examples of herbs that can help head pain. Talk to your doctor and an…...

Hydrotherapy and Physiotherapy
Physiotherapy and its forms, such as hydrotherapy, may be helpful for headache sufferers. Choose an accredited physiotherapist and try cold and hot hydrotherapy…...

Hypnosis For Headache Relief
Hypnosis is meant to help headaches by guiding a person into a relaxed state. It can be performed alone or through a hypnotherapist and may be an excellent complement…...

Is Caffeine a Cause or Treatment?
Small doses of caffeine in medication or food and drink may help your headache pain, but larger doses can cause withdrawal headaches and other unpleasant symptoms. If…...

Migraines and Massage
Some people find massage helpful in preventing and treating migraine headaches. There are several types of massage therapy that may decrease stress and increase…...

Tension Headaches and the Alexander Technique
The Alexander technique is gaining a good reputation for being able to treat the root causes of not only tension headaches, but also back pain and other muscle-tension…...

Using Meditation to Manage Relief
Meditation is an ancient healing form that promotes relaxation as well as stress and pain management. It may help your headaches and you can try various forms, with…...

Walking and Fresh Air
Fresh outdoor air coupled with walking can provide headache relief as well as offering other health benefits. Check with your doctor before embarking on a walking plan....