Below are our articles on the subject of Causes. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Alcohol and Headaches
Alcohol can make headaches worse in people already prone to them and can cause painful hangover headaches in those who are normally headache-free. Staying hydrated and…...

Can The Weather Cause Headaches?
Weather can trigger headaches and migraines, whether that is temperature, pressure, humidity or a combination of all three. Identifying your specific weather…...

Cigarettes and Headaches
Cigarettes can trigger many headache forms and reducing or eliminating them completely provides many benefits. Using various strategies under your doctor's guidance is…...

Does Stroke Cause Headaches?
Stroke is a serious and potentially fatal event that occurs in the brain and is usually accompanied by a very severe headache....

Does Using Electronic Devices Cause Headaches?
Using computers, watching TV and playing computer games may seem like a recipe for a headache but research shows it is more likely to feel head pain if you listen to…...

Headaches and Blood Sugar
Blood sugar fluctuations can trigger headaches. By eating regular meals and consuming lower glycaemic foods, you can help prevent headaches....

Headaches and Depression
Headaches and depression may occur simultaneously and it can be difficult for a sufferer to seek out help. Medication and alternative treatments may help to address…...

Headaches? Check The Lighting
Indoor and outdoor lighting can trigger a headache or migraine attack. Reducing, adjusting or eliminating incandescent and fluorescent lighting and wearing sunglasses…...

Insomnia and Headaches
Insomnia can be an overlooked culprit that triggers headaches and migraines. By addressing your insomnia and obtaining adequate sleep, you may be able to significantly…...

Is Caffeine a Cause or Treatment?
Small doses of caffeine in medication or food and drink may help your headache pain, but larger doses can cause withdrawal headaches and other unpleasant symptoms. If…...

Male and Female Differences in Headache Triggers
Men and women have different headache triggers and experience headache pain in unique ways. Identifying triggers can help to keep headaches at bay....

Migraines and Oral Contraception
The oral contraceptive pill is linked with migraine headaches and may increase or decrease migraine frequency and intensity. Your doctor can discuss options for other…...

Orgasms and Migraines
Sexually related headaches and migraines can be very painful and may disrupt a person's sex life. Relieving stress and taking medications may prevent and treat these…...

The Dental Connection
Various dental problems can cause headaches, including impacted wisdom teeth, poor bites and gum infections. Visit your dentist to obtain treatment....

The Impact of Sweeteners On Headaches
Sweeteners have not definitively been shown to cause headaches but anecdotal evidence and some studies suggesting a link do exist. It is recommended that those…...

What is a Subarachnoid Haemorrhage?
A subarachnoid haemorrhage occurs when one of the arteries leading into the brain bursts, usually at the point of an aneurysm. Bleeding into the subarachnoid space can…...

When to Suspect Meningitis
Having a severe headache can be a sign of meningitis. Other symptoms include a stiff neck, light phobia, vomiting, a fever and a rash....

Why Eyestrain Leads to Headaches
Eyestrain can be the result of any activity in which the eyes focus in one place for a long time. Using a computer screen for much of the day is one of the worst…...