Case Studies...
Below are our articles on the subject of Case Studies. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

How I Cope With Menstrual Headaches: A Case Study
Some women suffer headaches or migraines only at the time of their period. Lifestyle changes, avoiding migraine triggers and getting enough sleep can all help women cope....

Hydrocephalus Caused My Headaches: A Case Study
Hydrocephalus occurs in babies who have spina bifida, but it can develop in adults if the normal drainage mechanism that balances the cerebrospinal fluid in the brain…...

Hypnotherapy Worked for Me: A Case Study
Dealing with the stress that leads to tension headaches and using techniques such as hypnotherapy to promote relaxation can reduce the intensity and frequency of such…...

I Get Migraines But No Headache: A Case Study
We spoke to Rhoda who has migraines but no headache. Rhoda explains how after a year of tests the doctors finally discovered she has 'silent migraines'....

I Had a Cough Headache: A Case Study
A cough headache is a rare form of headache that is caused by coughing; it comes on immediately, lasts for a few seconds to a few minutes....

I Had Acupuncture for Migraine: A Case Study
Acupuncture is an alternative medicine therapy that has shown some good results for treating migraine. Some remain sceptical but Jane is a happy convert....

I Suffered Whiplash Headaches: A Case Study
When Sue got whiplash, she went through months of discomfort and headaches. Although these are now gone, she still struggles with some of the psychological after effects....

I Took Part in a Clinical Trial: A Case Study
Clinical trials test new drugs such as tonabersat, a potential migraine prevention treatment. When drugs are shown to be safe and effective, they can be prescribed to…...

Living With Cluster Headaches: A Case Study
People with cluster headaches suffer daily with 2 to 10 attacks that last about an hour, usually during the night. Attacks can persist for weeks, then stop for months…...

Living With Migraine: A Case Study
Migraines are severe headaches caused by vascular disturbances. Migraines can be triggered by different events and causes – understanding the trigger can lead to…...

My Food Caused My Headaches: A Case Study
Several foods are known to trigger vascular headaches such as migraines. Identifying these food triggers and avoiding them can cut down the frequency and intensity of…...

My Glasses Made My Head Hurt: A Case Study
Cheap designer glasses look great but it is the lenses that make up the glasses that help you see. Problems with cheap lenses can cause eyestrain and headaches....

My Headaches Were Due to an Aneurysm: A Case Study
A brain aneurysm, a swelling in a blood vessel, can develop without producing symptoms. If it bursts, it causes an intensely painful and disabling headache and…...

My Sinus Headaches were a Real Pain: A Case Study
Sinus polyps are non-cancerous growths in the sinuses that can prevent good drainage and clearance of infected material after a cold, increasing the risk of sinusitis…...

My Sports Injury Lead to My Headaches: A Case Study
Sports injuries to the base of the neck can cause muscle and nerve damage that can lead to referred pain in the face and head later on....

Rebound Headaches Nearly Ruined My Life: A Case Study
Taking painkillers can relieve headaches but taking them too often can cause rebound headaches - constant head pain that painkillers can’t get rid of....

Watching 3D Films Gives Me a Headache: A Case Study
3D films are the in thing at the moment but if you have less than perfect vision watching them can give you a headache and nausea. So will the new 3D televisions…...