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Headache With Pins and Needles: Is This Serious?

By: Kathryn Senior PhD - Updated: 26 Jun 2021 | comments*Discuss
Headache Headaches Migraine Migraines


I have a regular headache which happens about once a month, very severe pain radiating around my head. The symptoms have recently changed and I'm now getting a pain on the right side of my head at the back, it's as if I'm having a pin jabbed into my head. Then when it goes, I'm also experiencing pins and needles in my face. Should I go and see my doctor?

(A.N, 8 April 2009)


Yes, we would definitely recommend seeing your doctor as only he or she can do a proper examination and ask you all the necessary questions to be able to diagnose your problem.

The fact that your headaches are regular probably means that there is nothing sinister going on. What you describe does sound quite like a migraine headache but it is not absolutely typical. Some people who have migraines experience an aura – usually flashing lights – just before the pain begins. Less commonly, this aura can be in the form of pins and needles that are felt in the arms and hands or in the face, usually on the same side as the headache.

However, you describe pins and needles coming after the headache, not before, so it would be wise to have a full medical check up.

You also mention that your headache is regular and ‘once a month’. As most headaches, particularly migraines occur in women, I am assuming here that you are female. Does the headache tend to occur around the time of menstruation? Many women find that menstruation is a very potent migraine trigger and that they need to take special care to try to minimise the threat of a headache around this time.

It would be worth keeping a food diary too to see if there are any dietary triggers that might be affecting you. Common ones are red wine, chocolate and cheese – but different people have different triggers and yours could be quite different.

When you have a headache, you don't mention if you have any nausea or vomiting? This is another common sign of a migraine and this can really cause your headaches to stop you functioning completely. If the headaches are stopping you from working or beginning to disrupt your life, talking to the doctor could also help you to find some effective medication that you could use. Ordinary, over-the-counter medicines can be quite ineffective against very severe migraines and your doctor may be able to prescribe something to cut short your attacks. He or she may also put you in touch with a practioner of complementary medicine, as hypnosis and acupuncture can often help reduce migraine headaches.

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I’ve had a headache for the past 3 days however I am on my period so didn’t think anything of it however last night I started with a ache type pain in my left arm like I’d had a vaccination and pins and needles in both my feet. I’ve woken this morning with no headache but still have pain in my arm and pins and needles in both feet. Anyone know what it could be. Thanks
Sara - 26-Jun-21 @ 10:39 AM
I've been getting pins and needles in my right arm, but I get it in my right hand as well. I feel like I'm going to be sick most the time. I get up with a headache and I go to sleep with it!
Sam Thorpe - 8-Jun-19 @ 7:08 PM
I am 45 years old and i get pins and needles in my hands I have had the pin and needles in my hand for ages about 4 months now i did have it in my tummy and legs and feet but that has gone now but i have still got pins and needles in my hands and I have been getting headache too and i got Jews ache and I get pain in my arm now and then i have been to the doctor and all he keep on saying let's do a bloody test
Irene - 13-Feb-19 @ 11:01 PM
Started feeling nausea yesterday,just now I felt sick,stood up and felt dizzy felt like I was going pass out,say down and huge rush of like sharp pins in my head and hands,then vomited.
N0NE - 5-Jun-18 @ 6:37 PM
Hello, I have a headache and sometimes feel nauseous. Now I feel slight pins and needles in my right hand. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm quite worried. Thank you
emily - 21-Aug-17 @ 8:35 PM
I get a sharp pain in my head in the left side then my eyeballfeels numb then I get dazed and feel not with it then a pain on the left side of my chest in one spother then it goes down and my kegs feel like they are tight and burning what could this be??
Abid - 2-Jun-17 @ 6:01 PM
I have pins and needles beneath my feet, it has been there for three days now- and hasn't gone away. It's getting painful to walk on now. I am near enough falling asleep in the middle of the day, and I've constantly got a migraine. As for the whole body pins n needles- I would recommend going to the hospital. Rick, to me it sounds like you have a migraine. Is your headache one sided?
Mumof3 - 25-Mar-17 @ 12:50 PM
bucket- Your Question:
I'm 58, female I've had a swollen stomach five months.pins and needles head to toe ,I have had ultrasound of overies and kidney. I am so exhausted. I feel as though I need to sleep. When shopping or even when walking. I do have two disks cervical diagnosed I had a m.r.i my g.p. Is fed up off seeing me. When I tried to explain how exhausted I am she just said you have I.b.s. That is it. Yesterday I slept for ten hours and my husband has to argue with me to get me up. The only other thing is my urine output is poor and im feeling flushed in my face at times. I'm not able to visit my doctor as she I know is angry with me for taking to much time. I have a meningioma. Benign. Lumber disk234 bad and stenosis. Can you help some of blood tests show slight elevated liver tests.thankyou

Our Response:
I'm afraid we cannot give an online diagnosis. However, if you are ill you really must visit your GP if you feel you need treatment and your symptoms are not being properly diagnosed.
HeadacheExpert - 7-Dec-16 @ 12:16 PM
I'm 58, female I've had a swollen stomach five months.pins and needles head to toe ,I have had ultrasound of overies and kidney. I am so exhausted. I feel as though I need to sleep. When shopping or even when walking. I do have two disks cervical diagnosed I had a m.r.i my g.p. Is fed up off seeing me. When I tried to explain how exhausted I am she just said you have I.b.s. That is it . Yesterday I slept for ten hours and my husband has to argue with me to get me up . The only other thing is my urine output is poor and im feeling flushed in my face at times. I'm not able to visit my doctor as she I know is angry with me for taking to much time. I have a meningioma. Benign. Lumber disk234bad and stenosis.. Can you help some of blood tests show slight elevated liver tests.thankyou
bucket - 6-Dec-16 @ 8:25 PM
Experiencing extreme painful headaches besides numbing and tingling in back of head and neck. Has had back and neck surgeries. Travelingpain to left arm.
Rick - 24-Nov-16 @ 9:40 AM
Hello i got pin and needles of over my body my head my lips my tongue my hands my legs andi my eyes is blury feel dizzy. I dont know wat it is can you help me please
mandy - 14-Sep-13 @ 10:37 AM
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